InteraLegem S&N Law Firm

Murder Trial & Murder Reference

According to criminal law, the most important course of litigation is Murder Trial & Murder Reference. In such cases both sides’ question in the issue relates to human life and death. When someone is killed by the other, after lodging of FIR and conclusion of an investigation, the matter comes for trial before the relevant Sessions Court or before Anti-Terrorist Court, as the case may be. This trial is called a murder trial and the appeal arising out of it to the relevant High Court is named a Murder reference.

The murder trial is the most important criminal trial which needs to be conducted with lots of caution and expertise. In murder trail cases decides the fate of the life of the accused persons and if unfortunately and unwantedly, one has to face it, he needs to choose the best defense lawyers to present his case in the trial court. Similarly in the first appellate court and in the second appellate court, one has to choose appellate lawyers with experience in the relevant fields.

“However, if a believer is purposely killed, the offender will receive an endless torment in Hell as punishment from Allah, who is also furious with him and has cursed him.” Al Quran

Empowering You With Legal Solutions!

As an attorney of InteraLegem S&N Law Firm, it is “above and beyond” our job to effectively defend our clients. The international and Pakistani legal foundations that uphold the right to adequate representation. As the top Pakistani law firm, we outline the best practises that can assist you in carrying out your obligations to protect our clients’ rights, including establishing a strong attorney-client rapport, defending our clients’ right to a fair trial, looking into their case, and ultimately creating a compelling case theory.

Currently, in Pakistan, Sir Shauket Rafique Bajwa is among the senior most Criminal Trial lawyer. He has conducted thousands of Murder Trials throughout Pakistan. He has 50 years of experience in Murder Trials and Murder References. Under his Mentorship, InteraLegem S&N Law Firm has a great team of professionally best defense lawyers in Pakistan.

InteraLegem S&N Law Firm has a great team of professionally best defense lawyers in Pakistan