InteraLegem S&N Law Firm

Jactitation of Marriage

What is the marriage ritual in Pakistan? Wilson’s Anglo-Muslim Law provides a definition for the phrase “Jactitation of Marriage.” as a lawsuit to have it determined that the defendant is not the plaintiff’s wife or spouse.

Jactitation of marriage refers to continual bragging about a marriage that has been falsely claimed to have occurred. A decree of ongoing quiet is requested in the lawsuit. This is the sole instance in which a marital suit may be initiated without requiring preliminary evidence of a de facto marriage. Because there is no formal marriage present, the purpose of the lawsuit is to establish this.

False claims about marriage. A decree of eternal silence may be obtained in a lawsuit for judicial judication of marriage by the party who is unjustly and continuously accused of being married to another. Such a petition may only be presented by the party who claims to have been misrepresented.

"Jactitation of marriage is a false and malicious assertion that one is married to another person, made by one who is not married to that person."

Empowering You With Legal Solutions!

In Pakistan, a family lawyer can assist in a case of jactitation of marriage by providing legal representation and advice to the client. This type of marriage, also known as “bigamy,” occurs when individual claims to be married to someone when they are already married to someone else. This can be a criminal offense in Pakistan, as it is considered fraud and is punishable by law.

At InteraLegem S&N Law Firm a family lawyer can help their client by assisting in the gathering of evidence and preparing a case for court. This may involve obtaining copies of marriage certificates, interviewing witnesses, and reviewing relevant documents. The lawyer can also provide legal counsel to the client on their rights and options, and represent them in court proceedings.

Book a Consultation with InteraLegem S&N Law Firm a family lawyer