InteraLegem S&N Law Firm


FIA is responsible for investigating and enforcing federal laws in Pakistan

Federal Investigation Agency is referred to as FIA. The FIA Act, 1974 (Act-VIII of 1975), which was published on January 13, 1975, established it. Smuggling, drugs, currency crimes, the enforcement of laws relating to foreigners, immigration, and passports, as well as crimes with interprovincial implications are all issues that the FIA was created to address.

The Federal Investigation Agency Act, of 1974, is another name for this law. It applies to all Pakistani citizens and public servants, wherever they may be, and extends throughout the entirety of Pakistan. It will immediately go into effect.

To promote a culture of merit, offer ongoing professional development opportunities, ensure efficient internal accountability, promote technology use, and have an effective feedback system in place in order to achieve excellence in FIA.

Why You Need A Professional's Advice?

InteraLegem law firm plays a crucial role in FIA Laws in Pakistan by offering expert legal advice and representation to clients. FIA is responsible for investigating and enforcing federal laws in Pakistan, and our InteraLegem S&N law firm assists clients in navigating the legal system in the following ways: Advising on the applicability of FIA laws:

  • We advise clients on the applicability of FIA laws in their specific cases and help them understand their rights and obligations.
  • Representation in FIA investigations: If a client is under investigation by the FIA,  our law firm can provide legal representation to ensure their rights are protected and to help them reach a favourable outcome.
  • Negotiating settlements: In some cases, a law firm can negotiate a settlement with the FIA on behalf of the client, which can save time and resources for both parties.
  • Defending against charges: If a client is charged with a violation of FIA laws, the InteraLegem law firm defends them in court and represents their interests.
  • Appealing decisions: If a client is not satisfied with the outcome of a case, our best law firm in Lahore facilitates them in filing an appeal and represents them in higher court proceedings.