InteraLegem S&N Law Firm

Anti Narcotics Law

Book a Consultation with Anti-Narcotics Lawyers at lahore, Pakistan

The business of narcotics is one of the most crucial challenges in our country as many people use it as a shortcut to earn easy money. People involved in it are normally well-connected and so the State needs Anti Narcotics laws and special forces to counter the mafia involved in the business of narcotics. Though every law is enacted with the intention to make society better and to prevent society from crimes, these laws are also used by the people in power to victimize their opponents, and sometimes people are also wrongly robbed in such like cases as these laws are severe in nature and offenses falling under these special laws has strict punishments. 

In Pakistan, under a special law, a special force has been established to encounter the smuggling and trade of narcotics. This force is called Anti-Narcotics Force. This is a properly established force. They have their own operational and investigative team. The government of Pakistan has established special courts to deal with the cases lodged by Anti-Narcotics Force. These courts are called Special Courts (Control of Narcotic Substance). The Anti-Narcotics Force also has their own prosecutors to pursue their cases in these Special Courts.

“Drugs pull you down 6 feet Underground.”

Empowering You With Legal Solutions!

At InteraLegem S&N Law Firm, our team of the best defense lawyers provides professional services to people who are facing prosecution before the Special Court (Control of Narcotics Substance), throughout Pakistan, from the trial court up to the Supreme Court of Pakistan.

If a person is facing charges related to drugs or narcotics, it is important to consult a professional lawyer for several reasons:

  • A defense lawyer can help protect your rights: A professional lawyer will have a thorough understanding of the legal system and will be able to advise you on your rights and options. They can help ensure that your rights are protected throughout the legal process.
  • Consulting a professional lawyer is important in an anti-narcotics case because they can provide valuable legal guidance and help you navigate the legal process to achieve the best possible outcome in your case.
Book a Consultation with Anti-Narcotics Lawyers at lahore, Pakistan