InteraLegem S&N Law Firm

Anti Corruption Law

Corruption is like a termite to society. It not only infects society but it hollows the structure of society from the inside. Apparently, everything seems solid but from the inside, it is on the verge of collapse. Especially if it is in the functionaries of the institutions and organizations of the state, it is a lot more devastating. Keeping in view this aspect, one of the very first enactments of the country was “The Prevention of Corruption Act 1947”.

The prevention of Corruption Act applies to all citizens of Pakistan and persons in the service of the Government, wherever they may be. corruption law was basically enacted to take action against the government functionaries who are involved in corruption. For the purpose of this Act, special courts have also been established by the government for the trial of cases registered under this Act. These courts are named as Anti-Corruption courts. The Anti-Corruption courts are especially empowered to conduct trials of the accused under the Prevention of Corruption Act and to punish them.

“May Allah curse upon the briber and the bribe recipient.”
Al Quran

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Bribery and corruption are prohibited by Sharia law and are regarded as serious criminal offenses and major sins. A nation’s capacity to compete is harmed by corruption, which also affects economic assessments, inhibits investment, and ultimately slows down economic growth. Additionally, the state’s ability to defend its citizens and meet their basic necessities is harmed when a dishonest public official embezzles public cash.

Though the main object of this Act is to proceed against corrupt government officials, unfortunately, it has also been vastly used against the government official to blackmail and for arm-twisting. The best solicitors team of InteraLegem S&N Law Firm consisting of the best defense lawyers provides services to persons facing trial or being wrongly punished by the Anti-Corruption Courts.

Bribery and corruption are prohibited by Sharia law and are regarded as serious criminal offenses and major sins