InteraLegem S&N Law Firm

Alternate Dispute Resolution

Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR 2) with InteraLegem Law Firm in Lahore, Pakistan

In native areas of Indo-Pak, the “Panchayat” system has already played a vital role in the administration of justice in society, for decades. In the modern world, we know it as Alternative Dispute Resolution which is commonly known as ADR Law.

Arbitration, Conciliation, Mediation, and Judicial Settlement are the most prevalent ADR methods used in civil matters.

In Pakistan, though certain laws and provisions were already there that advocate ADR in the recent past, the Government, legislators, and courts in Pakistan have felt the effectiveness, simplicity, and swiftness of Alternative Dispute Resolution. And new provisions for ADR service have been added to the law. For example, S.89-A of the Civil Procedure Code (CPC), read with Order X Rule 1-A which solely deals with Alternative Dispute Resolution. 

Through the amendments in the law, know it has been made compulsory for the courts to offer ADR  resolution to every litigant, before going to trial. Not only this, but now the Federal Board of Revenue also offers and encourages taxpayers to solve any difference through dispute Resolution. We not only provide the best ADR services to our clients but we also make sure that the solution reached out must have the back of courts of law and must be implemented.

“The Quality of Our Lives Not on Whatever or Not We Have conflicts, But How We Respond to Them"

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Counseling and supporting clients in resolving conflicts make up a significant portion of a lawyer’s job. The various types of ADR entail either alternative dispute resolution processes that rely on negotiation rather than third-party adjudication or alternative forums for third-party adjudication. 

A third party, the adjudicator, uses adjudication as a quick and low-cost means of resolving disputes in order to reach an immediately enforceable, temporarily binding resolution. In addition to being an expert, the adjudicator is also maybe a licensed attorney. Architects, civil engineers, and quantity surveyors, among other trained builders, make up the majority of construction adjudicators. As the Head of ADR Mr.Munir Gillani leads this Professional team. As a result, the adjudicator won’t need to hear or read a lot of expert testimony to understand how the industry functions, which helps the process. This cuts down on time and prevents a lot of wasteful spending.