InteraLegem S&N Law Firm

Election Laws

Democracy is the system of Government in most countries in the modern world. In a democracy, the government is chosen by the public through direct vote. The democratic system of government is mainly of two types. One is a Parliamentary form of Government and the other is a Presidential form of Government. But in both forms of government, the Government is elected by the vote of the public. Though England still has Monarchy it is more of a symbolic value and has no effective role in running the Government. England has a Parliamentary form of Government, whereas the United State of America has a presidential form of Government.    

Pakistan is a democratic country. Democracy is said that it is a system where it is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. In a democratic form of government, polling criteria is one man one vote. In Pakistan, we have a Parliamentary form of Government.

In Pakistan, people vote for their favorite political parties and after elections, the political parties nominate their candidates for the Prime Minister and all the Members of the National Assembly cast their vote to elect Prime Minister. Normally, Party having a majority gets its Prime Minister Elected. The same is the criteria for electing a Chief Minister in a province. Other than General Elections, in Pakistan, we also have Local Bodies Elections which are held on the grass root level of union councils. 

During these elections, the qualifications and disqualifications of candidates come under scrutiny. As Electoral Lists are being revised occasionally, hence these also come under question before elections. The government establishes Election Tribunals for hearing objections and other cases regarding the election process. The experienced team of InteraLegem S&N Law Firm provides assistance to our clients in election matters from the filing of nomination papers and objections before the Returning Officers to Election Petitions before Election Tribunals and so on.