InteraLegem S&N Law Firm


Criminal law is meant to protect society from the wrong deeds

Generally speaking, if someone has been arrested by any law enforcement agency, accusing him of any offense and the investigation has been completed, the person cannot be detained in jail for an indefinite period, waiting for his trial to be completed. Law gives the right to apply for bail to a person arrested and confined in jail. Though in all cases bail cannot be claimed as a matter of right still there are many grounds available to an accused which may make him entitled to get bail.

Criminal law is meant to protect society from the wrong deeds of the culprits but in our society more often this tool is misused to take acts of revenge or to satisfy grudges. This not only happens in personal enmity but sometimes State also uses this tool for arm-twisting and influencing certain persons for their agenda. In our society, wherever any offense took place, in most cases, the complainant, instead of stating true facts and nominating the real culprits, tries to rob the person against whom he has some score to settle or whom the complainant thinks can pursue the case, in the complaint.

In criminal law, it is a settled principle that everyone is innocent unless proven guilty. Whenever any FIR has been lodged against a person or he/she has been involved in any act which is cognizable and there is any likely hood that the person may be got arrested by any of the law enforcement agencies including NAB and FIA, the person may apply for his bail before getting arrested. It is commonly known as pre-arrest bail. If someone has been arrested by any law enforcement agency, accusing him of any offense, the person may apply for his bail. It is termed bail after arrest.

"Liberty of a person cannot be withheld as punishment, untill proven guilty."

Empowering You With Legal Solutions!

At InteraLegem S&N Law Firm, our professional solicitors provide you with the best services in both Pre-Arrest and Post-Arrest Cases. We have an impressive success rate in bail cases. In criminal law, bail is an amount of money or other forms of security that are required to be posted by a defendant in order to secure their release from custody while their case is pending. If a defendant is unable to post bail on their own, they may seek the assistance of a lawyer to help them get released from custody.

There are several ways that a lawyer can help with bail in a criminal case:

  • Appealing bail decisions: If a defendant is denied bail or if the bail amount is set at an amount that the defendant cannot afford, a lawyer can help the defendant appeal the decision and argue for a lower bail amount or for release on their own recognizance.